Office of Intermodal Planning and Investment coordinated a full review of the SMART SCALE program.


SMART SCALE is the CTB's project prioritization tool developed to meet the requirements of Chapter 726 of the 2014 Virginia Acts of Assembly. The SMART SCALE process has been used since 2016 (5 rounds) to inform the CTB on project funding decisions.

Secretary Miller directed OIPI to conduct a full review of the SMART SCALE process, in collaboration with VDOT DRPT. This review is primarily focused on:

  • Obtaining input from CTB members, stakeholders, legislators, and other concerned parties
  • Reviewing the related Code requirements and existing CTB SMART SCALE policy
  • Analyzing outcomes of the 5 previous funding rounds

The goal of the process review is to ensure that the SMART SCALE program is meeting its intended purpose: to identify the projects which provide the greatest benefit for the investment of Virginia tax dollars.

Key Components of the SMART SCALE Process Review

Last updated: May 20, 2024

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